High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court of Tanzania

33553 documents

Court registries

Title Date
July 2002
Costa Yanilenga vs Tabia Robert ((PC) Civil Appeal No. 149 of 1996) [2002] TZHC 2049 (23 July 2002) 23 July 2002
Mussa Sagamiko vs Seth Lymo (Civil Case 87 of 1992) [2002] TZHC 2017 (22 July 2002) 22 July 2002
Sagamiko vs Sethlymo (Civil Case 87 of 1992) [2002] TZHC 7 (22 July 2002) 22 July 2002
Naziri Koshuma vs Swiga Itege (Misc. Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2002) [2002] TZHC 2051 (18 July 2002) 18 July 2002
Anita kavera vs Africare Tanzania (Civil Case 283 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2007 (2 July 2002) 2 July 2002
Anita Kavera vs Africare Tanzania (Civil Case 283 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2028 (2 July 2002) 2 July 2002
Tansroad Tanzania Ltd vs Tanzania Revenue Autholity (Civil Case 110 of 1998) [2002] TZHC 2006 (2 July 2002) 2 July 2002
Transroad Tanzania Limited vs Tanzania Revenue Authority (Civil Case 110 of 1998) [2002] TZHC 2027 (2 July 2002) 2 July 2002
June 2002
The Registered Trustees of The Anglican Church of Tanzania vs Paschal Kamuzora & Another (Land Case Appeal 73 of 2019) [2002] TZHC 2003 (30 June 2002) 30 June 2002
Alinanine Mwaisumo & Others vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 10 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2072 (27 June 2002) 27 June 2002
Emmanuel Mwaipopo vs Director British Council (T) (Misc. Civil Appeal No. 29 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2070 (27 June 2002) 27 June 2002
Samson Mseeni Kivuyo vs Elisamshe Mtui ((PC) Civil Appeal No. 52 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2054 (21 June 2002) 21 June 2002
May 2002
Managing Director Mbotey General Business vs General Manager Mbeya Cember Company LTD & Another (Misc. Civil Appeal No. 9 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2068 (30 May 2002) 30 May 2002
In the Matter of the Late Stephan Muhile vs In the Matter of an Application for Letters of Administration by Robert Muhile (Probate & Administration 41 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2021 (22 May 2002) 22 May 2002
Jeremia Mkemangwa vs Gayo Kiwone (PC. Civil Appeal No. 11 of 2002) [2002] TZHC 2048 (9 May 2002) 9 May 2002
Jabir Bakari Shembazi & Another vs Commisioner of Prisons & Another (Civil Case 26 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2034 (8 May 2002) 8 May 2002
Jabir Bakari Shembazi & Another vs Commissioner of Prisons & Another (Civil Case 26 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2013 (8 May 2002) 8 May 2002
Shembazi & Another vs Commissioner of Prisons & Another (Civil Case 26 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 6 (8 May 2002) 8 May 2002
Anchor Enterprises vs Mahendrakumar Govindji Monani (Misc. Civil Cause 126 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2044 (7 May 2002) 7 May 2002
Anchor Enterprises vs Monani (Misc. Civil Cause 126 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 5 (7 May 2002) 7 May 2002
Rajabu Iddi Kilonzo vs Tanzania Peoples Defence Force Committee (Misc. Civil Application 45 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2022 (6 May 2002) 6 May 2002
Osodo Josiah vs Ibrahim s/o Issa ((PC) Criminal Appeal No. 16 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2058 (3 May 2002) 3 May 2002
Shekha Mohamed Majid vs Wahid Mohamed Hijaz (Civil Appeal 137 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2024 (2 May 2002) 2 May 2002
April 2002
Julius Ngalya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 129 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2063 (29 April 2002) 29 April 2002
Julius Ngalya vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 129 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2019 (29 April 2002) 29 April 2002
Joseph s/o Sahara vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 56 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2060 (17 April 2002) 17 April 2002
Juwata & Another vs Board of External Trade (Misc. Civil Case 71 of 1886) [2002] TZHC 2015 (14 April 2002) 14 April 2002
JUWATA & Another vs Board of External Trade (Misc. Civil Case 71 of 1986) [2002] TZHC 2037 (14 April 2002) 14 April 2002
Juwata & Another vs Board of External Trade (Misc. Civil Case 71 of 1986) [2002] TZHC 4 (14 April 2002) 14 April 2002
Ally S/O Sigala & another vs Republic ((DC) Criminal Appeal No. 91 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2061 (11 April 2002) 11 April 2002
March 2002
Khashili Rajabu vs Hamad Rajabu t/a & Others (Civil Case 16 of 2002) [2002] TZHC 2042 (22 March 2002) 22 March 2002
Khashil Rajabu vs Hamad Rajabu & Another (Civil Case 16 of 2002) [2002] TZHC 2033 (22 March 2002) 22 March 2002
Khashil Rajabu vs Hamad Rajabu & Others (Civil Case 16 of 2002) [2002] TZHC 2012 (22 March 2002) 22 March 2002
Rajabu vs Hamad Rajab t/a Rajabu Auto Spares & Others (Civil Case 16 of 2002) [2002] TZHC 3 (22 March 2002) 22 March 2002
Alphonce S/O Mbuya vs Republic ((DC) Criminal Appeal No. 119 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2062 (11 March 2002) 11 March 2002
Isack Msula vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 329 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2020 (11 March 2002) 11 March 2002
Republic vs Silva Makanyaga (Criminal Session 63 of 1998) [2002] TZHC 2038 (11 March 2002) 11 March 2002
Siani Said Nassoro vs Reyai Masingisa & Others (Civil Case 361 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2010 (8 March 2002) 8 March 2002
Siani Said Nassoro vs Reyai Masingisa & Others (Civil Case 362 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2023 (8 March 2002) 8 March 2002
Attorney General & Another vs Ngu'ni (Civil Appeal 45 of 1998) [2002] TZHC 2 (5 March 2002) 5 March 2002
February 2002
Asaeli Ndossi vs Elisifa Jackson Ndossi (PC. Civil Appeal No. 56 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2059 (13 February 2002) 13 February 2002
John Jacob Construction Ltd vs Aduco International BV (Civil Case 412 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2011 (8 February 2002) 8 February 2002
John Jacob Construction Ltd vs Aduco International (Civil Case 412 of 2000) [2002] TZHC 2031 (8 February 2002) 8 February 2002
Republic vs Bakari (Criminal Session Case 27 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 1 (8 February 2002) 8 February 2002
Republic vs Mwingia Bakari (Criminal Session Case 27 of 2001) [2002] TZHC 2032 (8 February 2002) 8 February 2002
January 2002
Joh K. Madaha vs National Housing Corporation (Civil Revision 79 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2009 (30 January 2002) 30 January 2002
John Madaha vs National Housing Corporation (Civil Revision 79 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2030 (30 January 2002) 30 January 2002
Amer Omar Saeh vs Saleh Mohamed Ally (Civil Case 2 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2029 (18 January 2002) 18 January 2002
Amer Omar Saleh vs Saleh Mohamed Ally (Civil Case 2 of 1999) [2002] TZHC 2008 (18 January 2002) 18 January 2002
December 2001
Jamson Mwahande vs Bunge Mwangoka & others ((PC) Civil Appeal No. 19 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 33 (3 December 2001) 3 December 2001